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The 5 Most Common Mistakes You Shouldn't Have To Ever
Mistake #4:
Incorrect Lighting
by Eric V. Van Der Hope
Copyright © 2006 ReefKeepingBasics.com
important is lighting in a saltwater tank? It is crucial. It will make it, or break it. Why? It is imitating the
natural sunlight that these tropical creatures need to live and
flourish. You will very likely want to have
corals and anemones in your tank. Most of these creatures need the
proper type of lighting in order to grow and prosper without difficulty.
One of the decisions individuals base their choice on when purchasing
the types of lighting they need - is the cost of how much that lighting
can be!
That's already the wrong thinking!
If the proper research is done prior to maintaining a reef tank - you'd
already know what kind of lighting would be needed and therefore be
aware of how much it would cost.
Certain types of lighting can be very expensive though - that's for
However, this shouldn't be a reason to not use the necessary lighting
for the aquarium - for it could mean life or death for your precious
From the initial purchase of the tank - you should already know what
type of system you will maintain.
and anemones often show brighter colors when exposed to the proper
light. The proper type of lighting means that it has to have the proper
spectrum or quality and it must have the proper intensity as well.
Light is generally measured in terms of wavelength and frequency. The
algae that lives within coral generally needs light from the blue end of
the color spectrum. Blue light has a short wavelength and a larger
frequency, which enables it to penetrate the water easily. Therefore,
blue light is a common choice for tanks. However, choose your lighting
carefully, depending on what livestock you plan to have in your tank.
If you are planning on a fish only tank, you know it wouldn't be
necessary to purchase sophisticated lighting arrangements -they don't
need light to 'grow'! However, this doesn't mean you should be leaving
them in the dark!
Corals, sea anemones and molluscs are dependent for the most part, on
the production of food and on the removal of wastes from a specific
species of an algae, commonly known as zooxanthellae. You've probably
guessed it already - yes, zooxanthellae depends on the correct intensity
of light and the specific wavelength.
So - if zooxanthellae is not able to grow properly, your tank
inhabitants, specifically your corals, sea anemones and mollusks will
eventually die!
Obviously not something you want to experience.
It is also important to change the lights in your tank regularly, about
every six months. High output lights are the best for your tank, yet if
you do not change them regularly, they will not have the intensity
needed for the health of your coral and anemones because the intensity
of the lights fade over time. In other words, do not wait until the bulb
burns out. By then it will be too late to save the life in your tank.
Your set up will either include a tank cover that houses your lighting
system or ballast units that will hold the lights. And by all means,
ensure the lights are not too hot and your tank has sufficient
ventilation, or you may risk cooking your fish!
Do the necessary research before you get too seriously involved in
something you don't understand well. Continually ask knowledgeable
hobbyists questions and learn to take some of the advice that's given.
It'll literally pay off! :o)
This leads us to the 5th and final mistake that we
will discuss in this series of 5 articles - that hobbyists tend to
make often. Don't always take the first piece of
advice you get - treat it like a grain of salt! This will be discussed
in my next column due out soon. Stay tuned!
Eric V. Van Der Hope is the Publisher and Author of
the book "Reef Keeping Basics - Successful Reef
Management" as well as the editor of the popular
and informative newsletter "Reef Keeping Basics -
the eZine/Blog" - A Newsletter For The Serious
Reef Keeping & Saltwater Fish Hobbyist. Would You
Like to Discover Exactly How to Build A Perfect
Aquatic Life Environment For Your Marine Fish Pets -
Without Having to Do It the Hard Way!? Then simply visit his
website and learn how you can:
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